Wednesday, January 30, 2008


My middle sister just called me and I have to tell you what she related to me.
Back in December, she and family stopped by and I took her to my S.A.B.L.E. to shop for some yarn. She and College Grad daughter crochet and I try my best to supply them with new yarn when they visit. Seeing a how Sister was to be on the road for the next few days, she shopped well.
This is what she told me today. She has 2 dogs, one who just realized it has a brain after having it's head coiffed. Her house is a split level and she was upstairs when the newly brained dog came through the door .... with yarn!
She had the yarn and WIP in a bag next to her chair in the living room and apparently he checked it out. And got caught up in it. A cat couldn't have done a better job! She reported that not only was it wrapped around most of the furniture on the first floor, he even managed to wrap the other dog with yarn.
I am happy to report that dog and yarn made a speedy recovery!

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